Кызыл Джар

Природа и пейзажи Кыргызстана за один день!

Этот тур - один из самых впечатляющих и захватывающих 1-дневных туров, которые мы предлагаем. За один день вы посетите невероятно красивые каньоны из красных скал и песчаника Кызыл-джара, долины Ырдык и Джеты-Огуз, водопад Девичьи Косы, а затем отправитесь к подножию пика Огуз-Баши.



Во время путешествия по долине Ырдык мы встретим кусты арчи - крупного вида можжевельника. Местные жители используют небольшие пучки тлеющей арчи для очищения воздуха от микробов, болезней и злых духов. По пути мы будем проезжать мимо пасущихся животных и получим возможность увидеть образ жизни кочевников. По прибытии в долину Джеты-Огуз нам откроются живописные виды на скалы Семь быков и Разбитое сердце.



Углубление в ущелье Джеты-Огуз и поход к водопаду Девичий Коси в долине Кок-Жайык и дальнейший путь к изумительно красивому пику Огуз-Баши (пик Ельцина) 5168 м. Прогулка по окрестностям, фотографирование и возвращение в Каракол.

Детали Тура:

  • Поездка в долины Ирдык и Джеты-Огуз.
  • Обзорная площадка на пик Огуз-Баши (пик Ельцина) 5168 м.
  • Поход к панорамному виду на долину Кок-Жайык
  • Возможность пообедать в юрточном лагере
  • Увидеть знаменитые скалы Джеты-Огуз
  • Путешествие по бездорожью 4x4


1 день | До 3 человек от 180 USD
Visit Karakol

Этот тур предлагает туристическая компания Visit Karakol. Являясь членом Дестинации Каракол, эта компания активно участвует в продвижении туризма и развитии сообщества в Караколе и прилегающем регионе.


Tour Details




1 day (6-7 hours of driving)

Meeting point

Karakol town

Ideal choice for families

Perfect for all ages and skill level


English, Russian


Rain or shine

Minimum Group Size

2 people

Maximum Group Size

10 people (or upon special request)


  • up to 3 people – 210 €, SUV 4х4
  • up to 5 people – 250 €, Mitsubishi Delika 4х4

What is included:

  • Driver-guide
  • Coffee/tea during the tour
  • Payment to Jety-Oguz National Park

NOT included:

Lunch is not included to the price. Please book lunch boxes beforehand (600KGS PP), if you need them. Otherwise, you can take a lunch individually.

Equipment and items for tour:

  • Trekking boots
  • Warm clothes
  • Cap, sun glasess, high factor sun cream
  • Head-torch
  • First aid kit, if you have some disease

Recommended to have

  • Pocket knife


This tour designed who want to see beautiful landscapes with visit of main sights of Jety-Oguz gorge.


Travel insurance is NOT included. We recommend that clients have their own travel insurance against illness, injury, loss/damage to personal belongings. In case of emergency our staff will make all the best to delivery you to hospital or other point and solve your problem, insurance will cover your charges, if you don't have insurance, you will be required to cover charges by yourself.


Service of local staff is included to the program; however, it is polite to tip to local staff if the service has been very good. Also at your discretion, you might also consider tipping your tour manager in appreciation of the efficiency and service you receive.

What Others Say About This Tour

"We strongly recommend Visit Karakol! This we do because:- It was very easy to arrange a tour with Visit Karakol. We got an immediate response when we contacted the company.- The nature we experienced during our day trip was the most beautiful we’ve ever experienced. All in all we strongly recommend using Visit Karakol; you get a safe and personal experience!"

"My wife and I from Alaska USA and our two young adult daughters took the Kyzly-Jar day tour. It was an awe-inspiring trip and experience we will never forget. We first took a short hike up a red sandstone canyon/ravine next to the Seven Bulls, then up a beautiful valley and a hike through mountain forests to a lovely waterfall. Then farther up the valley we lunched in a meadow along a glacial stream with a view of the 15,000 foot Boris Yeltsin peak. Every part of this trip was wonderful, and we highly recommend it to anyone looking to experience the grandeur of Kyrgyz nature and landscapes in a day trip."

Tour Itinerary

09:00 AM - Departure from Karakol and drive to Yrdyk valley
10:00 AM - Visit Kyzyl-Jar Rock
11:00 AM - Walking in Djety-Oguz valley with a panoramic view to Djety-Oguz rocks (Seven Bulls)
12:00 PM - Walking to Waterfall Lady's Plat
13:30 PM - Lunch (As option you can order lunch at yurt camp - 400 som per person)
15:00 PM - We will go to the end of the valley to see Oguz-Bashi (Boris Yeltsin) peak (5168m)
16:30 PM - Back to Karakol

*NOTE: The itinerary will be adjusted according to the season and is confirmed at time of request/booking. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any question you might have.

Tour Map