Кольцо Сары-Джаз

Неприкасаемые пейзажи!

Этот тур для тех, кто хочет увидеть красивую, дикую природу и неприкасаемые пейзажи с панорамным видом на горы Тянь-Шань и пик Хан-Тенгри 7000 м (если будет хорошая погода). В настоящее время район Сары-Джаз является частью национального парка Хан-Тенгри. Это крупнейший национальный парк в Кыргызстане, предназначенный для охраны редких и исчезающих видов флоры и фауны, в первую очередь для сохранения популяции снежного барса.



Территория природного парка до сих пор мало затронута деятельностью человека, а основные ландшафты сохранились практически в естественном состоянии. В настоящее время из бассейна реки Сары-Джаз известно 457 видов сосудистых растений, хотя их общее количество может достигать 700 видов, что составляет значительную часть всей флоры Кыргызстана. Пять видов из них занесены в Красную книгу Кыргызстана, 8 являются эндемиками, которые больше нигде не встречаются, а 11 известны в Сары-Джазском регионе.

Ring of Sary-Jaz 2

2 дня | май - октябрь

Основные момент тура

  • Переезд через перевал Чон-Ашуу 3822 м.
  • Ночевка в палатке на высоте 3000 м над уровнем моря с видом на горы Адыр-Тор
  • Панорамный вид на пик Хан-Тенргри 7000м и другие вершины с ледниками
  • Путешествие по предграничным зонам с Китаем и Казахстаном
  • Вы сможете увидеть яков, диких угров, сурков и других диких животных
  • Дикая и открытая местность
  • Путешествие по бездорожью 4x4
Visit Karakol

Этот тур предлагает туристическая компания Visit Karakol. Являясь членом Дестинации Каракол, эта компания активно участвует в продвижении туризма и развитии сообщества в Караколе и прилегающем регионе.


Детали тура




2 дня

Good for

Adults and families 


300 km


Sary-Jaz located in border zone with China and Kazakhstan and that is why you need a permit.


English, Russian


Rain or shine.

Наличие сотовой связи

No signal connection


50% of the road is soviet asphalt from 1980th and the rest of the road is gravel or off-road

Highest point

Chon-Ashuu - 3822m

Price Includes:

  • Driver-guide
  •  Vehicles selected category
  •  Gas stove, table equipment, kitchen     things and gas
  • Water

Price not include:

  • Border permits 30€ per person (in frame of tour)
  • Meal (1L, 1D, 1B)
  • Camping equipments (Tent 5€, Sleeping bag 3€, Matras 1€ per day)

Prices of tour:

  • up to 3 people – 420 €, SUV 4х4 + 30€ per person (permit)
  • up to 5 people – 460 €, Mitsubishi Delika 4х4 + 30€ per person (permit)

Tour Itinerary

Early morning we depart with comfortable all-wheel drive SUVs toward Sary-Jaz through Too-Ashuu Pass (3822m). On the way there, we will visit the Ak-Chunkur cave which means "white hole" and is located 7km to the East from Echkili-Tash. The length of this cave is 70m and reaches heights of 10m. There were traces of ancient cave paintings discovered here. 
Many animals such as argali, ibex and others inhabit this mountainous kingdom. In Echkili-Tash you can see many snow capped peaks of the Sary-Jaz Range. From here, with clear weather, you can see the summit of one of our most famous peaks, Khan-Tengri (7010m). After lunch we move to Karkyra through Turuk Pass, a region known for it's diverse ecology. Once in Karkyra, we'll camp the night in tents.
We will start with a morning walk in the forest of Karkyra valley. After that we drive further to Tamerlane’s stones. Not far from Santash village, there are kurgans and remains of the Caravanserais, where the Tamerlane’s troops once passed. Legend has it that when the commander and army left on their campaign, Tamerlane ordered every soldier to take a stone with them, and here, at the pass, they each laid their stone, creating a large mound. Upon returning from their war, each soldier who survived took a stone from the mound and placed it upon a new pile. What remains to this day are two memorials, one to those who survived and the other to their fallen comrades. We will return back to Karakol through Basharin pass. 


This tour designed who want to see beautiful landscapes in untouched area with breathtaking views. Tour devided for 2 days with 1 overnight in tent in Karkara gorge, so you will have enough time to enjoy with beauty of Sary-Jaz valley without long day drive, as it in 1 day program

Ring of Sary-Jaz
You will be in remote area during the tour without connection, however we will have satellite communications, as satelite phone or SPOT in case of emergency. YOU NEED TO TAKE A PASSPORT WITH YOU FOR THAT TOUR.


Travel insurance is NOT included. We recommend that clients have their own travel insurance against illness, injury, loss/damage to personal belongings. In case of emergency our staff will make all the best to delivery you to hospital or other point and solve your problem, insurance will cover your charges, if you don't have insurance, you will be required to cover charges by yourself.


Service of local staff is included to the program; however, it is polite to tip to local staff if the service has been very good. Also at your discretion, you might also consider tipping your tour manager in appreciation of the efficiency and service you receive.


  • You will prepare food by yourself, we can provide gas stove and table equipment. However, we can provide extra service of cook, who will prepare food for you.
  • Permits to enter pre border zone not included to the price, you need to book a tour beforehand in order to have time to prepare permits. Per permit per person is 30 USD (in frame of tour)
  • Permits to enter pre border zone not included to the price, you need to book a tour beforehand in order to have time to prepare permits. Per permit per person is 30 € (in frame of tour), details Permits.


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